Kalle & Markku / Blog April 2024

There is new, significant, and extensive interest in the real estate and construction sector towards sustainable development, the circular economy and the entire green transition. We are moving towards fundamental sectoral changes, which are seen as a transformation of the entire industry’s processes and business, i.e. a systemic transition. The EU Commission’s publication Transition Pathway for Construction opens this whole of transition and its challenges. This publication explores the targeted transition, which is explained through six development entities and three cross-cutting themes. Collaboration at different levels and the industry’s RDI play a central role in this.

Collaboration in construction projects, or working together as a group, is fortunately an experience already gained in construction. It can be stated that solutions related to collaboration are currently being used in many ways and they are gradually spreading to use in different and different-sized construction projects. On the other hand, the evolving procedures and processes of joint action challenge the implementers of construction projects in many ways. The solutions are still unestablished and cannot be considered industry practice. However, collaboration in practice offers a research opportunity to gain a deep understanding of collaboration, its dynamics, participation, required skills and other input, as well as the benefits of collaboration.

collaboration as a phenomenon changes and develops all the time, but there are no explanatory models for this. Digital technologies already play an important role in enabling collaboration and are helping to show the way to cooperation at the next level of development. It seems likely that this next-level collaboration is fast-cycling and location-independent. It will set new requirements for companies, participating experts and, of course, the technical solutions used. On the other hand, the potential benefits are considerable. These benefits include e.g. the productivity of planning and construction, multidisciplinary cooperative planning work enabling sustainable development, speeding up the turnaround times for solving problems. Research and development work is needed to ensure the emergence of new digital and functional innovations that support cooperation practices.

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